What Does the Government’s Zero Carbon Agenda Mean for Local Authorities?

Organiser: Weightmans

Has CPD Points:

Starts: 23 October 2019 at 10:00am

Ends: 23 October 2019 at 01:00pm

Venue: Weightmans LLP No 1 Spinningfields Hardman Square Manchester M3 3EB

Speakers: Simon Colvin, Partner, Lev Gurdenli, Partner and Jim Jordan, Partner

Topic overview: What does the Government’s zero carbon agenda mean for Local Authorities in the context of renewable energy, the decarbonisation of heat and electric vehicles?

This session will explore the opportunities and challenges for local authorities in relation to renewable energy in terms of their own projects and the facilitation of schemes by others, the procurement of energy and the role of power purchase agreements, the decarbonisation of heat and the opportunities for heat network programmes, as well as the role of EVs and the needs for local authorities to take the lead in helping to deliver the necessary infrastructure. The session will be relevant to a number of different functions within authorities that have some responsibility for each of these areas.

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