Personal Injury Claims, the current landscape and claims defensibility

Organiser: DAC Beachcroft

Has CPD Points:

Starts: 08 November 2022 at 11.00AM

Ends: 08 November 2022 at 12.00PM

Venue: By Webinar

Level: Intermediate


David Williams, Partner, DAC Beachcroft

Barrie Hall, Legal Director, DAC Beachcroft

Overview of session – What is a personal injury claim? What can it cost? What can we do to minimise our spend? The session will include case studies involving local authorities and other public sector bodies and will cover:

– recent reforms;

– recent vicarious liability cases;

– recent changes in procedure impacting on how claims are handled; and

– the recent increase in psychological injury claims arising from alleged data breaches and breaches of the GDPR

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