YOUR MONTHLY E-BULLETIN – Issue 36; July 2015
Its here-our new look Consortium Website is launched! When next you visit the Consortium website you may notice a distinct new look. Many months in the planning and implementation we hope you like the new layout and more modern look to your website. Rest assured, the site still has all the functionality that you are used to and is just as user friendly to interrogate.
The only thing to remember is that your use of the website will be enhanced if you are using an up to date browser eg Google Chrome.
We’d like to hear your feedback about the new look and feel – we do hope you like it but of course if you do have any problems accessing the site or finding parts of the site itself then do let us know and we’ll do our best to sort it out for you.
New Annual Training Programme
– whats happening?
The Annual Consortium Training Survey has been poured over by your Management Board and partner firms. Our Partners are now busy designing a programme that best fits the many requests that have come forward for the FREE NWLC Training Programme for 2015/16.
Just as soon as we have a programme in place we will publish it on the website at
The future of your Solicitors Framework
Your Consortium Management Board have now agreed to move forward with procuring a new framework for the provision of legal advice and support to Consortium member organisations.
The new framework will run for a period of 4 years from 1st April 2016.
Many thanks to those of you who provided feedback and comments about the proposals and these together with the expert guidance from our small procurement team (drawn from member organisations) will now allow us to develop the procurement timetable and shape the resulting replacement framework.
Progress will be reported to all through future Bulletins over the coming months.
Don’t forget to let us know when you have new colleagues joining your organisation (and leaving too of course) All you need to do is drop a quick e-mail to or with the detail of the staff changes and we’ll take it from there!
Free Consortium healthchecks are available to member authorities to spread the word about the benefits of membership of the Consortium, explain how the website can be used and basically do a bit of a healthcheck as to what each authority uses the Consortium for etc and how best we can assist.
Annual Free Training Programme
– Whats on this month?
The late but welcome addition to our FREE CPD training is a session provided by our Partner firm, Weightmans who will round off the year’s programme on 17th July in Manchester, with ‘Enforcing Money Judgements’.
And lets not forget that the NWLC Annual Training Event 2015 – is NOW OPEN FOR BOOKINGS!
This year’s event will be held at the Langtree Stadium in St Helens on Tuesday 6th October 2015.
For full details and to make bookings for the course or the ATE for yourself a colleague or client go to the website at – courses page.
This month Preston City Council urgently require a Land Charges Assistant and Stockport are looking for a Property, Planning and Highways Solicitor (closing date 8th July) and Wigan are looking for a Principal Lawyer. For full details see the Jobs page on the website.
Does your authority want to advertise your vacancies on the website for free? If so contact Beryl Heath on
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