YOUR MONTHLY E-BULLETIN – Issue 44; March 2016

Latest Consortium News

Just a short bulletin this month- watch out for a fuller edition next month.


NEW Consortium Practice Managers Group
The Practice Managers Group met at the Manchester office of Weightmans on Thursday 4th February 2016. If you are interested in hearing more about what the Group plans for the future then contact Beryl Heath on

Don’t forget to let us know when you have new colleagues joining your organisation (and leaving too of course)
All you need to do is drop a quick e-mail to or with the detail of the staff changes and we’ll take it from there!

Free Consortium healthchecks are available to member authorities to spread the word about the benefits of membership of the Consortium, explain how the website can be used and basically do a bit of a healthcheck as to what each authority uses the Consortium for etc and how best we can assist.

FREE Consortium Training: Coming soon

On 16th March DLA Piper are providing training on Civil Litigation at their Liverpool offices and on 20th April in Manchester, DAC Beachcroft are presenting a Monitoring Officer Update.

Don’t forget that all this training is free, carries CPD points and is open to legal staff at member organisations as well as to client department staff.

All the details and for bookings its through the website please, courses page at

Course Materials

If you or your colleagues have missed out on one or more of our Consortium training sessions (including presentations at the Annual Training Event) you might find it helpful to see the slides/presentation from the session.

These are all available in the documents area of the website at

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