YOUR MONTHLY E-BULLETIN – Issue 51; February 2017
Latest Consortium News
Consortium Survey
Your PR and Web Group have reviewed the responses to the Consortium survey and a number of issues arising from the survey are now being followed up.
In next month’s bulletin see a special feature on the things the survey has told us and how these messages are influencing the work of the Consortium going forward.
And its good news for the lucky winner of our prize draw from contributors to our survey – Trish Ashcroft, Governance Officer at Preston City Council wins a £25 Marks and Spencer’s voucher
Well done Trish!
One of the major things coming out of the survey was the apparent lack of awareness amongst member organisations of the added value offer from our 4 Partner Firms.
Are you getting the most from your Consortium Added Value Offers?
What are added value offers?
Added Value offers are provided to all Consortium member organisations by the partner firms appointed to the Solicitors Framework irrespective of whether or not your organisation is currently or has been a client of that firm.
The offer is in addition to the support that the partner firms provide to the Consortium training programme, the Annual Training Event, the PR and Website and Practice Management Groups and running and organisation of the Consortium generally.
What sort of things are offered by the partner firms by way of added value?
The four partner firms, DACBeachcroft, Geldards, Hill Dickinson and Weightmans all provide specific offers to Consortium members by way of added value.
However their offers generally cover or include:
- use of the firms office facilities
- free helpline service
- use of library, research facilities and precedent bank
- assistance with secondments, work shadowing or placements, coaching and mentoring
Where can I find full details of what is on offer from each of the partner firms?
You can access the details of all the offers from the partner firms under each of the firm’s name in the secure area of the website- left hand menu.
You will need to be logged into the website of course.
NWLC Practice Managers Group
On 9th February we have Performance Measurement and Benchmarking as our topic for the day.
If you or a colleague wishes to join the Group that’s absolutely fine – we’d welcome further input from Practice Management /Business Development colleagues as well as legal practitioners.