YOUR MONTHLY E-BULLETIN – Issue 59; February 2018
Coming up in the next few weeks –
DACBeachcroft, in Manchester on 7 March present Health and Social Latest Consortium News
Calling all Child Care and Adult Care Practitioners
In response to recent feedback, the Management Board would very much like to hear from
Child Care and Adult Care legal staff across the NWLC membership as to how best we can serve your needs generally into the future.
Would you like us to arrange training from Barristers Chambers on a regular basis? Or are
your training needs met elsewhere?
Are there any gaps in otherwise available training that we could try to fill for you?
If you could contact Beryl Heath on she will take your feedback and comments to the Management Board meeting in late February for further consideration.
Thank you
Good News
Your Consortium has been shortlisted in the Efficiency category by LGC as part of their 2018 Awards. We are keeping our fingers crossed for success when the winners are announced in March – for now, we are delighted to have been recognised in this way.
Your FREE Consortium Training Programme
The Consortium Annual Training Programme is available on the website for the training year.
As you know the programme has been developed by our partner firms based upon delegate requests from the feedback from previous training sessions or from the Annual Training Survey undertaken earlier in the year.
Care Integration
On 8 March Geldards are hosting the Practice Managers Group meeting in Warrington
On 21 March in Liverpool, Hill Dickinson are presenting Adult Social Care/DOLS/Care Proceedings.
All the detail is on the website courses page.
You can book yourselves colleagues or clients on to the courses available through the website.
Don’t forget that all this training is free, and is open to legal staff at member organisations as well as to client department staff. More details of what will be covered in each session are available on the website Courses page.