Issue 62; July/August 2018

Latest Consortium News

Your Membership Spend and Savings – Solicitors Framework

As you may know we now collect regular performance reports from the law firms appointed to the Solicitors Framework.

We are now able to compare year on year spend through the framework – so in the first two years of the latest framework those important numbers are as follows:

In 2016/17 you collectively spent over £2.2 million through 129 commissions, resulting in estimated savings of £425k.

In 2017/18 you collectively spent just under £4 million through 669 commissions, resulting in estimated savings of over £700k.

Thanks to you all in supporting the framework and generating these cost savings in addition to those important resource efficiencies, saving your time and energies for other tasks.

2018 Annual Training Event – 2 October 2018

Draft Updated Programme now published

Your 2018 Annual Training Event will take place on Tuesday 2nd October at the Saints Rugby Stadium in St Helens.

We are delighted this year to be welcoming back Andy Whittaker from Art of Brilliance.

In addition we welcome Brigadier J A J Thomson OBE QVRM TD MSc who will be giving us the benefit of his vast experience both in the armed forces and in civilian life in getting the best out of people for both themselves and the organisation.

And Elizabeth Rimmer, CEO of Lawcare will be with us asking ‘Why Mental Health Matters
for Lawyers?’

In the afternoon we will move to more training from our partner firms but the afternoon will start with a plenary session from Jonathan Aubrey of 11KBW dealing with Judicial Review matters.

Over 30 people have already reserved their place for the day – will you be joining them?

You can reserve your place right now by going to the website at

And we are now on FACEBOOK!

Facebook will be an excellent facility for us to get messages to you all in addition to the website – so why not connect with us today?


NWLC Aug Newsletter