YOUR MONTHLY E-BULLETIN: Issue 68; April 2019
2019 Annual Training Event – 1st October
Save the Date
The NWLC Management Board are delighted to announce that this year’s NWLC Annual Training Event will be held at Aintree racecourse on Tuesday 1st October.
We are very much looking forward to a stimulating and exciting day to complement this stunning venue.
You’ll soon be able to book yourself or a colleague on to the event through the website – just as you do for normal course bookings ( and we’ll update the website with details of
speakers and sessions as they are confirmed..
Solicitors Framework Re-Procurement
With the current framework expiring at the end of March 2020 theres no time to waste in reprocuring a new NWLC framework. Work is now beginning on this important task.
If you have any comments about how the current framework works, the lots, the numbers of appointed firms etc we would love to hear from you.
Please send any comments or requests as soon as possible to
Its your framework –help us make it work best for you.
Can you Help?
One of our member organisations has increasing pressures to recover unpaid residential home fees. They would be grateful for some help from colleagues at other organisations that have experience in this area and
who might may be willing and able to assist them. If you can possibly assist colleagues, please contact Hamza Soren on 01204 331141 or by email at
Coming soon – Consortium Annual Training Survey
Watch out for this and please take part to tell us what you think of the current training offer, what could be improved and also to let us have your suggestions for next year’s FREE training programme.
We want to hear from you!
And not forgetting your current Consortium Training Programme 2018/19
You can book yourselves, colleagues or clients on to our FREE courses through the website at
With this latest programme we have aligned all course start times as 10am to avoid confusion and assist all delegates in making their travel arrangements.